Thursday, 9 August 2012

Makeover Yourself: A Girl's Guide To Being The Ultimate Hot Chick

I was web-surfing the other day, and randomly ran into this post by Tia, who runs Hot-Chix-Rock blog. I juts had to share it with you guys ;)

Being a true hot chick requires much more than lip injections, a skinny waist, hair extensions, makeup, and stylish clothes. Looking fabulous on the surface is always great, but it's being fabulous that makes you a standout beauty in the eyes of the world. We are so focused on our outer appearance that sometimes we forget to fine tune everything else. So, here's a guide that will help you master the art of being a fabulous hot chick.

Rule #1: Love Yourself

First, you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else or even allow another person to love you back. It is important to celebrate yourself and your beauty because if you don't completely embrace the woman you are, no one else will. Also, no matter how busy you may get, you must find time to pamper yourself, exercise, and eat properly.

Rule #2: Makeover Yourself Into A Fabulous Woman

You are your own brand, and you want to strive to represent yourself to the best of your ability. Whenever you walk out of your front door, you should always be totally put together from head to toe because you never know when a big life changing opportunity is going to come your way and you want to be prepared. You have one time to make a good first impression, so make sure you always bring your "A" game and nothing less.

Rule #3: Be Naturally Sexy

True sexiness is achieved when it occurs naturally. Never fake it or force it because it will appear as if you are desperately trying too hard. The secret to sexiness is not having a great body or wearing revealing clothes, it is pure confidence. The next time you walk into a room, put a smile on your face, hold your head up high, and let your confidence bring out your natural sexiness.

Rule #4: A Hot Chick Never Lets Anyone Treat Her Like A Cheap Date

This rule applies to life, business, and love. You have to know your self worth and the value you contribute to any given situation. Knowing your value is where you will find your power and strength. Never allow anyone to make you feel less than worthy because you decide how the world should treat you.

Rule #5: Intelligence Enhances Your Beauty

Physical beauty can get you so far in life. It's your brains, saviness, and determination that makes you a fabulous hot chick. Allow yourself to be exposed to other cultures and education beyond the limits of formal schooling. Start by catching up on current events, traveling more, or simply visiting a museum or art gallery. Be an interesting woman with something interesting to say and you will charm the world.

Rule #6: Be A Little Mysterious

The most beautiful women throughout history, from Cleopatra to Marilyn Monroe, were so alluring because people were intrigued by them. Avoid sharing too much information about yourself to others, and you will appear even more fabulous because people will want to know more about you. You don't have build a brick wall around yourself, but you shouldn't divulge your every flaw, feeling, or personal detail.

Rule #7: A Hot Chick Is An Independent Chick

Independence equals freedom. Knowing that you are able to take care of yourself gives you the power to write your own rules for your life. You are in control because you do not have to depend on anyone else. Some people may disapprove of your independent streak, but in the end they will respect you for it.

Rule #8: Makeover Yourself Into A Trendsetter

Do you want to be an "It" girl or just another average follower lost in the crowd? Be a trendsetter in everything you do whether it's fashion related or at work. A true hot chick knows how to shine and be recognized for who she is and what she does. Discover ways to make your own path in life, and never be afraid to be different because that's the key to fabulosity.

Rule #9: Don't Be Afraid To Reinvent Yourself If You Have To

You have the power to be the woman you want to be. It's never too late for a new beginning. You are the character and the world is your stage. If you are not happy with yourself or your circumstances, change it! If you want to be a fashionista, study fashion trends. If you want to lose weight, change your eating habits. You do not have to play the hand life dealt you, you can be the dealer.
Rule #10: Being A Hot Chick Is All About Attitude
Showcase an attitude of confidence in everything you do. It's not what you wear, but how you wear it. You want to walk, talk, and dress in a manner that exudes an air of poise and confidence. Always present yourself to the world the way you want to be seen and watch how people respond to you. When you see yourself in a positive light, everyone else will begin to see you that way. On the flip side, if you view yourself in a negative light, people will see your flaws and more.

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